Pray Through the Day
When you wake up Thank you God for this day. May all I say and do and think give glory to you. Guide and bless me today. Amen
When you step outside Thank you God for this beautiful world, for the ____, _____, _____, I see. Help me to respect and care for it as far as I am able. Amen
When you begin your work Thank you for the work you give me; for the possibilities it holds, the problems it presents and the people with whom I will share it. May they see you in me. Amen.
When you sit down to eat Thank you God for the abundance of this land, for this food and people with whom to share it. Help me to care for those who lack either or both. Amen.
When evening comes Thank you for this day, O God. For the opportunities it offered ______, ______, _____ and the people who were a part of it ____, ____, ____. Forgive me for_______________. Help me to do better tomorrow. Amen.
When you go to bed Be with me, God, though the night. Bless those I love. Keep us safe. Wake us refreshed and ready for your new day. Amen